20 августа 2017

Play on ESEA? (CS:GO League) | 2018

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about a league like ESEA. What are its advantages and why should it be played on it.

This is the league where most professionals and semi-professional players play. True, on high ranks. If you have a title in CS: GO higher or equal to the Legendary Eagle, then you can safely go to this league, forgetting about FaceIt and even more so, about the usual competitive games in CS: GO.

Let's start with information about the league itself.  

1) ESEA has its own client Anti-Cheat, which is very good at its task. Goodbye game with cheaters, only straight hands and the best skill. If you meet the "cheater" on the site, you can send his candidature for consideration. Is it confirmed? Will be punished. No? So it was his skill, not extraneous programs.

2) The "Karma" system, initially all have karmas 0 are "neutral". Having completed simple tasks for mastering the site (available to all newcomers), 10 karmas are given.

When playing in the league, after each match, will be offered to evaluate allies separately. If you behave like an "asshole typical CIS player", then soon your karma will be in the minus.

Likewise, karma is lost, when you leave the game (match), the more you are left, the more karma is taken away. 1 abandoned game (-1 karma), 2nd abandoned (-2 karmas), third (-4), etc.

If you have -10 karma, then you will be prohibited from buying Flash and incendiary grenades.

At -50 karma account will be banned for a month.

As a result, "assholes" will be quickly punished, but good and courteous players will continue to calmly and pleasantly play.

The truth is that the CIS players, often lower karma weakly players. In fact, even if a person tried, gave information and did everything in his power to win.

3) 128 tickrate, which means you'll rarely shout "how did I miss?".

4) Minimum ping at the expense of good servers from Moscow, Frankfurt and Stockholm.

5) You can play as one, and with friends, creating a lobby.

6) AIM / DM warm-up servers and other servers for training.

The ability to find a team for yourself, just play with professionals and semi-pros, and much, much more.

From personal experience I will say the following:

1) Play interesting, a completely different attitude among people.

2) It's unusual, because All players try.

3) A lot of new commands that are worth learning.

4) Much better than the usual Match Making Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and 3 times better than FaceIt.

Reminds old good leagues of CS 1.6 and Source.

If you decide to play on the ESEA league, after reading my article, please subscribe to the league from my link, I will have a small bonus from this, thank you.

Also thank you for read, all the best and success in the open spaces of the league.

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